What a great start of the year!
The latest paper from the lab - Distinct mesenchymal cell states mediate prostate cancer progression - has been published on Nature Communications on 08 January 2024! A great collaboration between our lab and many fantastic researchers, including the Marchionni Lab (https://luigimarchionni.org/) and the Multiparametric In Situ Imaging (MISI) Lab (https://pathology.weill.cornell.edu/divisions/multiparametric-situ-imagi...).
In this study, four genetically engineered mouse models of prostate cancer - representing the different stages of prostate cancer progression - were utilized to uncover the role of stroma in prostate cancer progression. The study involved single-cell RNA sequencing to identify cell types, gene expression, and regulatory networks within the tumor microenvironment, as well as spatial transcriptomics analysis. Human prostate tissue specimens were also obtained from patients undergoing prostatectomy to prove the translational value of our findings. Moreover, we developed a stromal signature to predict metastasis in prostate cancer patients. Altogether, our findings provide innovative insights into the molecular and cellular landscape of prostate cancer, as well as potential prognostic signatures for metastasis prediction.
You can read and download the paper at the following link https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-44210-1
You can read about the paper and dive more into its implications reading our Research Communities contribution at the following link https://go.nature.com/3HL1UQe